有無人有交通意外O既死亡率O既調查呀 ?!10點
有無人有交通意外O既死亡率O既調查呀,希望個調查顯示埋年齡...同埋最好能夠提供埋其他國家O既調查同WEBSITE 比我啦 因為我係澳洲....合法駕駛年齡係16......... 我要寫一編文章有關"應唔應該提高合法駕駛年齡" 所以呢D 資料同我好重要 !!!!!唔該 !!!!!!!!!!
This one is the research from UK in 2004: Deaths and injuries on the road 3,221 people were killed in road accidents in 2004 31,130 were seriously injured 246,489 were slightly injured Children 166 children were killed in road accidents in 2004 3,739 were seriously injured More than twice as many boys as girls are killed or seriously injured in pedestrian and cycle accidents Drink driving 590(p) people were killed in drink-drive related incidents in 2004 2,350(p) were seriously injured There were over 17,000(p) drink-drive casualties in total in 2004 6%(p) of all road casualties and 18%(p) of deaths in 2004 occurred when someone was driving when over the legal limit for alcohol Male drivers under 25 had the highest incidence of failing a breath test after being involved in a road accident in which someone was injured p = provisional Drink drive statistics (November 2003) Motorcyclists 585 motorcyclists were killed in road accidents in 2004 6,063 were seriously injured Motorcyclists represent 1% of traffic but represent 19% of deaths and serious injuries Motorcycle riders are over 40 times more likely to be killed than car drivers Cyclists 134 pedal cyclists were killed in road accidents in 2004 2,174 were seriously injured Pedestrians 671 pedestrians were killed in 2004 6,807 were seriously injured Pedestrians represent 12% of all road casualties and 21% of all road deaths Driving for work Over one third of all road traffic accidents, about 1,000 deaths a year, involve someone who is at work at the time Seat belts One in 10 drivers and front seat passengers, and four in 10 rear seat adults do not wear seatbelts One in 10 child rear seat passengers do not use seatbelts or child restraints About 10 front seat users are killed every year by unbelted rear seat passengers Great Britain car & van seat belt wearing - percentage rates (April 2006) Speeding Speeding is not just inconsiderate driving - it contributes to the 40,000 serious injuries and 1,000 deaths that occur on Britain's roads each year More than two thirds of all accidents in which people are killed or seriously injured happen on roads where the speed limit is 40mph or less At 35mph you are twice as likely to kill someone as you are at 30mph Driving tired Falling asleep at the wheel is the cause of around 20% of accidents on long journeys on trunk roads and motorways Men aged 30 and under are more likely to have a sleep related vehicle accident The greatest risk of falling asleep at the wheel is between midnight and 6am