



我在綱上看見一些別人設計火柴人動畫,so我也好想設計!! 更新: 這火柴人動畫( http://www.ugameasia.com/movie/play.php?ID=317 )也是Flash設計? and 有沒有Flash教學網站(火柴人動畫)提供呢? Thank you!!


if you want to really make a stick animation like that, you can use flash. it is very nice tool if you want to make your stick animation nice. there is two style of flash stick animation, one is using the brush tool and others is using the line tools. 1 brush tool. it is a hard solution but can have a really good job. You should at lease know how to control your mouse or drawing board well for using the brush tool. For brush, it is good at making some amazing stick action like fighting with cool action. a series tutorial of drawing in brush tool, it is some stick animation master's tutorial, link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOouzsIPNWs and the animator vs animation is use this way to draw. 2 line tool. you can develop your animation really fast with this, it is much more easy. It is not good at drawing some action, it is good at some stick movies. There is some very nice sample that draw with it, Castle Series link:http://www.stickpage.com/castleseries.shtml . So, the Castle Series's animation have some tutorial on it, it is pretty amazing, the link: http://www.deletionquality.net/articles/tutorials you can both learn the skill of using the brush tool and line tool, there is no good and bad, it just a style of drawing animation. 2010-08-01 00:29:48 補充: don't be lazy, you should use the step motion animation instead of motion tween if you want to make some really good work 2010-08-01 00:31:42 補充: flash 8 is good for you, or you can use flash mx 2004. These version are the best for animation


用Flash既Motion Tween就做到, 關於Flash有很多教學網站,不過一定要由低學起 關於Flash學校圖書館入面一定有, 可以借黎學下63D0B758E2D502CC

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