Runescape member hacks
I want a method That you can hacks into Jagex and make an account a member or just pay one month membership and get unlimited membership.I know, I konw, I, too, disagree this but I'm board of runescape so I want to play membership account. I know, don't tell me don't do this but I want to, I waon't... 顯示更多 I want a method That you can hacks into Jagex and make an account a member or just pay one month membership and get unlimited membership. I know, I konw, I, too, disagree this but I'm board of runescape so I want to play membership account. I know, don't tell me don't do this but I want to, I waon't pick you as best answer if you tell me rubbish...Thanks. 更新: Shut your bird mouth up, langxianping2@yahoo.cn, you are such a jk, don't get point by what 推薦游戲網站blah blah blah, who cares about your stupid 4ucking g@y website?! You're SO off topic dumass 更新 2: Can somebody answer this question? I don't want to let langxianping2@yahoo.cn have best answer. [that dumass was so ignoring] 更新 3: Is there any software/program that can do that? Or something like that.
well you can go to www.paypal.com to pay for membership..,.
I am bored in Runescape, I just want to see if there is any method you can do that. My friend said I can tried it out on a new account. He've tried it too. 2009-12-09 07:27:01 補充: yeah, he did did it on a low lvl account.|||||你係米唔想比你呀媽知你做member 但係你又想做? 其實有方法自己去比,唔洗用credit card 有cash就得,去bank轉款 你係其他post叫人唔好用外掛 自己就話要hack入Jagex- - 你hack入Jagex其實係刑事罪行...犯法的 所以就算有咁高的電腦技術都冇人會去做 有咁高技術不如去Jagex做米仲好- - 2009-12-08 20:52:24 補充: He've tried it but did he done it???|||||there isnt any method to do that