runescape barrow item
How much is them?Torag's Helm Torag's Platebody Torag's Platelegs Torag's Hammers Verac's Helm Verac's Brassard Verac's Plateskirt Verac's Flail Guthan's Helm Guthan's Platebody Guthan's Chainskirt ... 顯示更多 How much is them? Torag's Helm Torag's Platebody Torag's Platelegs Torag's Hammers Verac's Helm Verac's Brassard Verac's Plateskirt Verac's Flail Guthan's Helm Guthan's Platebody Guthan's Chainskirt Guthan's Warspear Dharok's Helm Dharok's Platebody Dharok's Platelegs Dharok's Greataxe And which is the strongest? 更新: Do i need to fight the barrow brothers to have wear barrow armor, or i can just buy from other player to wear it? I mean like dragons salyer, u need to finish it in order to wear rune platebody, is barrow the same?
Full Torag set=1M-1.11M Torag's Helm =194k-214k Torag's Platebody =336k-371k Torag's Platelegs =386k-427k Torag's Hammers 96k-103k Full verac set=3.2M-3.56M Verac's Helm =1.65M-1.82M Verac's Brassard =830k-917k Verac's Plateskirt =462k-510k Verac's Flail =284k-314k Full Guthan set=6.86M-7.58M Guthan's Helm =1.54M-1.7M Guthan's Platebody =300k-330k Guthan's Chainskirt =265k-290k Guthan's Warspear =4.75M-5.25M Full Dharok set=2.4M-2.62M Dharok's Helm =720k-800k Dharok's Platebody =480k-530k Dharok's Platelegs =400-450k Dharok's Greataxe =770k-850k And which is the strongest? I would say Full Dharok is the stongest, as your health went down, your str goes up. I hitted 81 with full Dharok before when I got 7 hp left. 2007-12-26 17:19:07 補充: You dont need to kill the brother to wear those armor, BUT you need 70 def lvl to wear melee barrows armor,70 Attack and Str for barrows melee wep,70 ranged and def for barrows ranged armor,70 mage and def for barrows mage armor.
i think guthan is the best~Coz the damage u hit others, u will get some hp from the damage....... u hit other and u get hp , very good ga~ u can buy one set to try try