
睇下有無錯Grammer阿; PLZ, 急'


Last Thrusday had some cameraman came to our school took class photos.I 'm look forward to that day every year.It is because in my opinion , I think take class photos can keep our nice memories fovever.Nowadays,when I took out the F.1 to F.4 class photos to look, I would smile and many memories came out.I think... 顯示更多 Last Thrusday had some cameraman came to our school took class photos.I 'm look forward to that day every year.It is because in my opinion , I think take class photos can keep our nice memories fovever.Nowadays,when I took out the F.1 to F.4 class photos to look, I would smile and many memories came out.I think it's great feel.Therefore, when I went to where or did anything in my life, I would take a photo to keep. I will have a speak of Cantonese competition tommorrow .It will be my last time to join this type of competition as there aren't enought time to join next year. I hope I can bring skill into full play and get a high marks.





Last Thrusday there were some cameraman came to our school to took the class photos. I 'm look forward to that day every year.It is because in my opinion , I think taking class photos can keep our nice memories fovever.Nowadays,when I take out the(can change to "my") F.1 to F.4 class photos to look, I will smile and many memories came out .I think it's a great feel.Therefore, when I go to any places or doing anything in my life, I will take a photo to keep. I will have a speak of Cantonese competition tommorrow .It will be my last time to join this type of competition as there aren't enought time to join next year. I hope I can bring skill into full play and get a high marks. 希望可以幫到你!(不好意思,我把一些不是grammer的字都改了)


Last Thursday some cameramen came to take photos of our class. That is the wonderful day I am looking forward to every year because the class photos can keep our nice memories forever. When I took out of all the photos of Form 1 to Form 4, I would smile and a lot of memories came to me. Therefore, wherever I go or whatever I do, I do take photos and keep them forever. A Cantonese-speaking competition will be held tomorrow. It will be my last time to take part in such a competition this year as I have not enough time for the participation next year. I hope that I can bring my skills into full play and get a high mark. 2011-11-29 08:48:42 補充: a high mark -----> high marks/good scores|||||Last Thrusday,some cameraman came to our school to take our class photo.I have to look forward to this day every year.It is because I think take class photos Can keep our nice memories fovever.Now, when I picked up the F.1 to F.4 class photos to see it, I will smile and remember a lot of memories.I think this feels good.Therefore, Whether I go there or do anything, I will take these photos. I will have to speak the Cantonese competition tommorrow .This will be my last time to join in this type of game because i am not enought time to join next year. I hope I can use my skills to the full game and get high marks.

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