It is not possible to eat Japanese food at low price, in Japan and Hong Kong. Even though they tell you they are having promotion and this is the reason why they sell at very low price, this is mostly lie. They are doing business, they would not sell at low price to you and do not make high profit, in view of the high rental in Hong Kong. If you were in the business world, you would understand fully. For example, I have talked with a Manager in a Japanese restaurant. He said they would order sashimi regularly for their restaurant. Normally if their restaurant cannot sell all of the sashimi within several days, they would return those sashimi to the supplier. The supplier would sell such sashimi to those lower end restaurants, like 元X or X氣. This is why the sushi in 元X or X氣 can be sold at very low attractive price. Of course, such 元X, or X氣 or other similar sushi shops would say they have a source in Japan and can order directly from Japan by themselves and can then sell at low price to their customers. I dont think this is true. This is why I would not try the suishi in the above mentioned. If you want to try Japanese food in lower price, it is better to try their lunch set in better Japanese restaurants. The price is normally about 50% discount of that at night. For restaurants in Wanchai and CWB, I suggest the following. Tensho Japanese Restaurant 天勝日本料理 G/F Kingstown Mansion, 313 - 323 Jaffe Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. (5 minutes walk from MTR Causeway Bay Station Exit C, or 5 minutes walk from MTR Wanchai Station Exit A1) 香港灣仔謝斐道313 - 323號帝城大廈地下 Tel: 25731329 Opening Hours: 1100 – 1430 and 1800 – 2300 Daily Style: Japanese Average spending: $180 銀座藏人 Ginza Kurando (Japanese Style Dining Saloon) 地址: 灣仔駱克道57-73號華美粵海酒店1樓 電話: 2862 1030 Average spending: ~$180 S.A.E. 地址: 灣仔譚臣道13-15號萬利中心2樓 電話: 2527-2537 Average spending: $250 It is very close to MTR Wanchai Station. 大亞味工房日本料理 Great Asia Japanese Restaurant 地址: 灣仔皇后大道東29-31號樂滿大廈C舖 電話: 2528 1568 Average spending: $150 TONKICHI 地址: 銅鑼灣告士打道280號世貿中心4樓412號 電話: 25776617 Average spending: $200 Food of this Tonkichi is exactly the same as that in Japan. It is more than value for money to spending $200 for a meal. Of course, if you want to pay less, you may try the set lunch in weekdays. This is the Number ONE pork chop restaurant in Hong Kong. You have to book in advance, it is always full. Hope the above can help you.
六國酒店 - Le Menu 菜式 : 各國, 日本 食品種類 : 酒店餐廳, 自助餐, 壽司, 西餐 地址 : 灣仔告士打道72號六國酒店1樓 電話 : 2866-2166 ext. 3355 平均每人消費 : $200 每人 停車場 : 不詳 可供訂座 : 可供訂座 去過食 dinner buffet, 地方唔大, 但光猛, 坐得幾舒服,整體食物款式唔多, 但質素OK, 又肯re-fill, 魚生壽司有幾款,特別D既有得自己整格仔餅,佢既餅漿整得幾香幾好味, 同埋有免費果汁不停飲, 以200蚊黎緊相當唔錯, 依家仲好似做到 $180連埋加一 友和日本料理 菜式 : 日本 食品種類 : 壽司, 刺身 地址 : 灣仔駱克道441號B座地下 電話 : 28336339 營業時間 : 星期一至日早上11時半至下午3時/下午3時半至凌晨4時半 平均每人消費 : $350 每人 停車場 : 不詳 可供訂座 : 可供訂座 食物不俗,昨晚與朋友一行四人叫了海膽拼雜錦刺身、酒煮大蛤、炒雜菇、金菇肥牛卷、雜菜粥、揚豆腐及sake等,雖然每樣的單價不算便宜,但份量十足,計落條數與其他舖頭差不多,相信越多人share會更抵,更可試多款不同菜式。而且食物有一定水準及鮮味,例如海膽刺身及酒煮大蛤十分鮮甜,其餘刺身也頗肥美。結果我們經過一輪努力的吃喝,還是剩下東西吃不完,埋單每人也不過$220左右,相比在元x等吃些下價壽司動輒每人也要過百元而言,算是十分抵吃。 我們昨晚坐外出的卡位,全店幾乎滿座,但又不覺十分嘈吵,服務方便也不錯,頗殷勤,經常主動替我們斟茶,經理還送了一客豆給我們下酒呢。 整體感覺不錯,有機會會再去試試他們特價$180的龍蝦拼三文魚刺身。 元氣壽司 菜式 : 日本 食品種類 : 壽司, 刺身 地址 : 銅鑼灣勿地臣街1號時代廣場地庫2層B222舖 電話 : 25069366 營業時間 : 星期一至日早上11時至晚上11時 平均每人消費 : $80 每人 停車場 : 不詳 炸蝦卷一定要試, 食物都ok, 加埋個甜品 - 紅豆雪糕就更美味, 係綠茶粉差左少少, 如果用番茶包會好d 日式吉列專門店 (銅鑼灣地鐵站D1出口) 菜式 : 日本 食品種類 : 小食, 刺身, 甜品 地址 : 銅鑼灣告士打道280號世貿中心4樓P412號舖 電話 : 25776617 傳真 : 25767909 營業時間 : 星期一至日中午12時至下午3時/晚上6時至晚上10時半 平均每人消費 : $200 每人 停車場 : 不詳 可供訂座 : 可供訂座 9個月前食過,今次再食質數依然無變,都係咁好味,d吉列很鬆脆,我最仲意係生蠔同豬柳,記住加個蘿蔔醋,點豬排一流.佢d椰菜絲特別好味,仲可以無限量添加. 田舍屋 菜式 : 日本 食品種類 : 壽司, 刺身 地址 : 銅鑼灣東角道24-26號Sogo New Face 2樓13號舖 電話 : 2919-6344 平均每人消費 : $150 每人 停車場 : 不詳63D0B758E2D502CC