a child of a lesser god
usually we have the phrase "a child of lesser god" what do we have for the opposite? a child of greater god? 更新: 我理解 a child of a lesser god 是不大受上帝綣顧的孩子,"a greater love of God" 都幾合適。 thankyou
"a child of a lesser god" was derived from the movie/play "Children of a Lesser God"; in which the title meaning may be intentionally contrasting the common belief as refer to the charater of the movie/play with disability (deaf) may be less cared/loved and caused by a lesser god. However, the movie/play showed the greatest of the "love" of man/person and the strenght of the girl/person with diability is not becasuse of a "less god", but rather perhaps realized in the effect of a "greater God" at work. So the opposite of "a child of a lesser god" is not "a child of a greater god", because the meaning of the phrase is not a direct character "child" focus, but the outcome of relational/relationship of "a greater love". So depends how you/generally interperte "the child of a lesser god" = "a greater love of God" or = "a greater love of humanity"; the opposite "meaning" may have to derive/compose from this meaning. Thus the opposite will be like the famous phase from a philopher Fredrick Nietzche "God is dead" or something like "Love is dead".